There is list of steps that you can follow to verify is the device driver and firmware is current on your ESXi.
1) Login to ESX via SSH , and identify the adapters in the ESX.
2) Use the ethtool command to get the driver and firmware versions
ethtool -i vmnic2

3)Obtain the device ID information. This information would be useful when you drill down the
VMware compatibility page.

4) Another important bit of information is the Vmware version and product & vendor name.

Now let us head to Vmware compatibility page and look for data.
Here is the link to the page:
1) Under the what are you looking for section, select IO devices.

2) Use the output from step 4 above, to select the filters.

3) Click on the model number:
The page loads the compatibility and supported firmware data.This page should help you identify the latest supported firmwares.
1) Login to ESX via SSH , and identify the adapters in the ESX.
ethtool -i vmnic2
3)Obtain the device ID information. This information would be useful when you drill down the
VMware compatibility page.
4) Another important bit of information is the Vmware version and product & vendor name.
Now let us head to Vmware compatibility page and look for data.
Here is the link to the page:
1) Under the what are you looking for section, select IO devices.
2) Use the output from step 4 above, to select the filters.
3) Click on the model number:
The page loads the compatibility and supported firmware data.This page should help you identify the latest supported firmwares.